Lean into Our Work
Motherhood in itself can be growling, messy, dangerous territory with land mines, and down right exhausting. Leaning into our role as mothers and not pulling back from what God has called us to do can be a road that is hard to be consistent on. I find myself wavering so many times in my journey. One minute I'm on a role and think I have it all figured out and got my act together, thinking I may have found the secret formula. A formula that works with my teen boys or my two year old, or even that sleepless toddler. Yet the Lord brings me right back to reality that I really don't have the formula. Daily I need to remind myself, maybe you do too, that God ( Himself) designed my children just for me. All those temper tantrums, all those long conversations that seemed to go nowhere, and even the hands down difficult children, they are all designed for me. Children who may be challenged, stubborn, even easily angered all designed for you know who, ME!!!
The Lord invites us " Please come join me, lets walk awhile and talk. Let me carry you while your legs are weak. Let me lend an ear, and show you there is a place where you can find all you have been longing for. A place that offers you comfort, understanding and compassion. That place is HERE and waiting, calling your name".
Many times we want to hang on tight to our children so tight that it can make it difficult to
BACK OFF when God is working in their lives. I find it easier to hang on tight out of my own selfishness. To think my formula of 1+1= 2. That formula doesn't work for each child. God may call your children further then you would like, but whatever his reason it is to make their roots strong, so non will parish. Those roots need to be strong enough so when a wind comes they are grounded. Only then will the good fruit grow and prosper, and hopefully give off strong seeds.
Everyday we have pockets of time that we can devote to God so we ourselves can be grounded, steadfast and strong. So when the wind of our day comes, AND IT WILL COME, we are not taken by surprise or up rooted or shifted in the opposite direction. We need to be shielded, armed and ready to love our children, guide them, support them. Kids need the most love when they aren't lovable. Just like YOU and ME.
So what does EVERY WEARY MOM NEED TO KNOW: Steal moments with God, whatever it takes. Find those pockets of time. Lean into your work. Find an encouraging friend, Embrace the motherhood mission. Pray with your children, let them see you weak with real struggles, even if that struggle is with that particular child, have them pray with you.
There is a song I recently heard called "Carried To The Table" at a women's retreat I was at by Brenda Yoder. She inspired me to Embrace my role because I was that angry mom, a mom who had many faces, but this song has words like no other so my prayer for you today is that my blog touches you and gives you hope in this journey we call "Motherhood".
"CARRIED TO THE TABLE" Wounded and Forsaken, I was shattered by the fall, broken and forgotten, feeling lost and all alone. Summoned by the King, into the Master's court, lifted by the Savior, and cradled in his arms. I was carried to the table, seated where I don't belong, Carried to the table. Can you relate to this? Shattered, Wounded, Broken, Forgotten.
Me and My Girls