Tuesday, January 13, 2015

                     Meeting Me in my Mess

You ever had one of those days where you wake up with the best intentions, goal oriented, energized, focused, and ready to tackle the world only to be frazzled the first 15 minutes you step out of bed. Being a mom is a wonderfully, beautiful time that can bring out the best and worst in you. I have to admit there are days, and thank goodness they are few and far between that I simply want to grab my bulk bag of chocolates and barricade myself in the bathroom. You know the most glorious place in the house!!!
But even on those days we have to rise to the occasion, tame our ruffled feathers, and face the battle like soldiers who see the victory that lies ahead. Fully armed and ready!!! Those who stand by and watch us rise and fall are more likely to read those times we feel powerless and defeated, steadfast and accomplished. Truly they are what has made me stronger, wiser, braver, and yes, at times crazier then my usual self.
Today was one of those days, where anything that could go wrong did and yet anything that could be learned from that experience was learned and witnessed. At the end of the day, you look back and laugh at yourself, and the things your kids might have did or said that truly couldn't be funny at that very moment. You say tomorrow is another day, when this week is over a new one will start, either way, we are so blessed with new days, new experiences, and YES, new mistakes and even old reoccurring ones. Thankfully, we are human, and our Saviors master piece, who he calls his own. We are loved unconditionally and forgiven by our children every day. Every morning strive to be their hero, their mentor, and even their playmate. How blessed are we to be able to share in that every day with our children, to look forward and move on.
At times we do have to look back and use ourselves as an example, admit our mistakes, share our struggles, in hopes they too will see we aren't perfect.
So whether you are a working mom, stay at home, homeschooler or not, know that you are not alone in your journey of motherhood. We all share a common bond, the love for our children.
From a mother of 12

Monday, January 5, 2015

                            Chore Chart Bliss
                What Organization Can Bring!!!!

Whether you are a large family like our clan or a family of just a few children, this formula can resolve any madness in your day to day, while giving you a more blissful outlook on the issues chores can bring. Our family of soon to be 14 in May have been using this method for years and it has been a life saver in our home. Daily the kids know what is expected of them and it's done a month at a time, with clear expectations posted in every room.

 First list all chores you would like to see accomplished daily, whether it's an A.M. chore or a P.M. chore, and number them, type and laminate. Find a central place in your home to post, where it's easily seen. Kitchen works best, since your children start their day with breakfast. Also have your expectations for each typed out and ready to go!!!!

Next find a single calendar for that month or a 12 month calendar and list your child's initials on each day. We use calendersthatwork.com every month

In our case C- for Christian, A- for Angelina, T - for Tyler, and so on listed oldest to youngest. Once you have added all their initials ( 7 in all for us) you start to think about what chore would be age appropriate, from the oldest to the youngest. Then start plugging in those numbers that are specific to that child's ability. I recommend oldest to youngest.
Cross of the days as you go, each day most of your children ( if you have several that are older) will rotate daily, so they aren't on the same chores day after day. For example on January 1st Christian (C) was on chore #2 and #15 the next day he is on a different chore till Monday then he is back to the same chore of #2 and #15. It allows them a break and also it helps them be very equipped in several areas in your home. Preparing our children for a lifetime of responsibility is the best gift you could give them. Allowing them to be shadowed by younger siblings is just as rewarding, and will also set the course for them to start gaining that responsibility also.
Designate a few baskets full of cleaning supplies to help in their cleaning journey. Another great way to guide them is to attach an laminated index card to the bucket as you see above that tells them specifically what each item is for. The more you are organized the easier it is for them to transition into the that role of responsibility and will in the long run make your home a very blissful environment.
Every night our children make sure everything is in it's place, which allows us to start our next day off in a very organized mind set. I can't think of a better way to see Monday morning, other then teaching them to make coffee so it's ready for an actively, productive day for the MOMMY in Charge.