Meeting ME in my Mess
During that time some of us have gotten bigger, taller, stronger, more courageous, and a little smarter!!! Our family has grown leaps and bounds with relationships in the making and three more adult children making their way in the world we call Choas... Twelve is still our magic number, it's the number of times I go to the store in a week, it's the number of shoes usually crowding our front door and it's the number of prayers I say daily for my children older and younger. Twelve could easily be the number of loads of laundry I could seriously do in a day and the number of phone calls or subjects I do assign. But I'm reminded that 12 is the number of disciples the Lord called up to be his right hand. AMEN for Twelve.....
Life in this fast lane has allowed us to send two sons to college
( Roommates ) seen our daughter rent her first apartment, and watched three of our adult children embrace relationships that are heading in the right direction, while taking some time out to make a family trip to see our married son in Nashville and shed a few tears watching our exchange student move to another state. As I type this I can't help but to think truly how busy the years have been. We are currently homeschooling 8 , ranging from preschool to highschool, that seems to be very typical in our home, always having all three levels of education from elementary to middle then on to highschool all at once. One always filling the shoes of another who has left the nest sort of speak. Basketball season has come and gone and now we are on the home stretch finishing up the school year with spring upon us.

Many of our projects are unfinished and have moved down the priority list and like most things has been put on the back burner. But one thing remains... Schooling at home has truly been a rewarding life for us. I wish I could say it's been easy, no struggles here, learning comes natural for my kids and I can teach any subject with no teachers guides or solutions manuals.... But I would be painting a picture for you that truly isn't real. We are very structured and have established a system that works for us but like most we have to tweek our expectations and change up things. Every year new challenges come about and yet huge victories are celebrated all in there own season.

I can't tell you what will work for you but there certainly are always suggestions that can be made and hopefully something to gleam from someone else and their experiences. Meeting me here in my mess is meant to be an encouragement to all moms. That we may not have it all but together we have everything in this journey we call life. There is not one formula to educating your children at home or being that organized person, ( unless you are OCD like me) or having that perfect chore chart, or preparing those perfect meals, that your children Thank you for every night because you provided them with the four staple foods. Lets be honest being mom is hard work. Do what works for you, and your family. Seeking the Lord in all his ways and he will prove to be faithful in guiding you to the right resource, or the right person. Maybe you are finding my blog by accident or because someone shared it with you, whatever the reason I pray this post and previous older posts have given you some insight into a large family, a homeschool family, a Christ centered family. Remember if it wasn't hard everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes the GREAT!!!

From our family to yours, may this year and even the months that follow be the year you feel victorious, the year you feel embraced by your creator and strengthen as one family.