Used Curriculum Sale
For October
Prices list below
Kids love Ohio A Parent's Guide to Exploring Fun Places $5.00
Thinking Like a Christian, Student and Teachers Bk, From My Father's World, Worldview Curriculum with CD $15.00
How to be a Super Star Student by the Teaching Company a High School Series. VHS Tapes 1, 2 along with Book $5.00
Diana Warning's Ancient Civilization's and The Bible Activity Guide Volume 1 Creation to Christ, A total of 12 units, Elementary Age $5.00
Computer Basics Books 1-5 Plus Answer Key, Tests and Quizzes.
From Christian Light Education. Covers every aspect of computers inside and out. $20.00, Middle and High School age
Diana Warning's Ancient Civilizations & The Bible, Volume 1 Book A, Creation to Christ. Supplemental study guide to the Audio "What in the World's Going on Here?" Four Hours of Living History on tape. All ages up to High School $15.00
Green Leaf Guide to Old Testament History, Great resource for Old Testament Studies. $5.00
Pleasing God Study by Kay Smith, Great study for a young teen or a mother who needs lifted up spiritually. $5.00
Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul, Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul, Chicken Soup for the Parents Soul, Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, All wonderful reads for any Homeschool library
only $5.00 each
The Study of the life of Christ $2.00
Vocabulary, Spelling and Poetry III $2.00 by Abeka
Reading Comprehension and Skills Grade 4, Covers Contractions, Prefixes and Suffixes, Vocabulary, Nonfiction and Fiction, Parts of Speech and Analogies. Great Supplement to English $5.00
Learning Language Arts through Literature Student and Teachers
$10 for a set, Discounted even more if it has a few marks. Most are like new.
Orange-4th Grade
Green-7th and 8th Grade
Tan-6th Grade
Red-2nd Grade
Gray-8th and 9th Grade
Only a Yellow Student Bk- 3rd Grade $5.00
Here are a few velcro boards that I have made for my children, they are great for hanging on wall. The possibilities are endless.
SEE what you can transform a poster into. If you have a poster that you would like to have transformed into an activity center please let me know. Whether it's Time, Money, Geography, Science related, Presidents, Verses, Rules of the House, English, you name and I can turn it in a workable center for your wall. Prices will vary!!!!
Feel free to email me at with any questions or if you are interested in any of the items listed above. Just type Regarding Blog in the Subject Line.
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